Monday, December 1, 2008

Blog 17 (Video Rhetorical Response)

Barbie Girl by Aqua
Single from Aquarium Album

The video relies on the ethos not only of the group singing but also the ethos associated with Mattel’s Barbie Doll. The video mimics the appearance of a Barbie doll house. There is a lot of pink around, which is Barbie’s trademark color. All of the people are dressed like Barbies and move in a stiff puppet like way. These little acts help video seem more like a “Barbie World”. By appearing more like a Barbie set up then the video is associated with Barbie even more. This could be a good thing if you like Mattel’s Barbie or it could discourage people from liking it if they detest Barbie. The video could also attract fans of Aqua. Their fans would know what to expect from them and thus there would be more interest in the video. The song kind of makes fun of Barbie’s and some would say paints her as a bimbo. This could be a point that would attract more interest from those who dislike Barbie. This fact that this song could be interpreted with a negative light on Barbie, was why Mattel sued Aqua for infringement on their copyright agreement.

There is also pathos in the video. It is obviously a spoof that is meant in order to make fun of Barbie. Barbie seems ditzy and materialistic in the video. The fact that it makes fun of Barbie means that it is meant to be funny. Comedy is an appeal to pathos, because it deals with emotions and making the viewer feel something for the subject matter. The song is upbeat and cheery which inspires a sense of happiness. The happiness feeling goes along with the comedy aspect of this video. The video shows a Barbie just having fun with friends, which could cause the viewer to also feel happy because of the memory of their own friendships.

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