Stripped Album
The video starts with a moth walking on the ground. Then it shows her in a glass cage. Someone is watching her from above. The persons’ hands are move like there is a marionette attached to them. The video shows girls in black ballerina outfits eating rotten fruit. When the song talks about making her stronger she frees herself from the glass cage. The song talks about making her skin a little bit stronger and shows her black cape. Then it shows her in a dark alley with pins in her back. During this part of the song she is talking about backstabbing. She keeps trying to walk even with the pins in her back; she’s trying to prove she’s a fighter. She begins to tear out the pins when the song talks about never backing down.
The song mentions how she has became a wiser person and she appears in a white gown with a white mane. She scales up a wall and fastens herself to the side. Moths begin flying towards her and alight on her as the song refers to a person hiding their lies and disguising themselves. The video shows a close up of her eyes blinking and then begins to flash between the batting eyes and the moths fluttering their wings.
When Christina declares that she has had enough the moth combusts. She materializes in an alley wearing black and red raiments, confabulating about how the person transformed her into a fighter, made her wiser, and smarter. When she asserts she is smarter the music video fixates on her eyes. The last time she proclaims that her experiences have permuted her into fighter she bashes in a glass window. The window does not rupture on contact but spider web fractures emanate around her high heel.
The chorus of the song is all about being a fighter and how her experiences have made her stronger and wiser. I decided to try and make my writing gain intelligence as it is read in order to symbolize the increasing wisdom of Christina in the song. An example of how I did this is that in the beginning I use words like talk and made as my writing continues I change the words to proclaim and transformed.